Communicator of the Year

ISPRA Communicator of the Year

The ISPRA Communicator of the Year recognizes the exemplary leadership of Iowa’s outstanding communications professionals for their demonstrated commitment to the enhancement of communication and relationships between their school systems and the families and communities they serve. The award honors those who recognize that communication is a critical component of leadership. The award is open to all school districts and education agencies throughout Iowa. Nominees must be members of ISPRA for the full school year that they are nominated for. Entries are judged by school public relations professionals who are members of affiliate State Chapters and have their APR. This award is presented on even years (2024, 2026, 2028, etc.)


Each candidate will be evaluated on the following four judging areas:

  • Leadership: Demonstrated leadership in successfully meeting the communication needs of their school system or educational service agency. Examples may include leading successful communication campaigns, overcoming an internal communication challenge or creating a robust strategic communication plan.
  • Communication: Demonstrated strength in both personal and organizational communication. Examples may include evidence of persuasion, the power of engagement or influence in decision making.
  • Professionalism: Constant improvement of knowledge and skills, while providing professional development opportunities and mentoring to others. Examples may include achieving accreditation in public relations (APR), participating in NSPRA’s Mentor Match program or serving as a speaker at the chapter or national level.
  • Community Involvement: Active participation in their local community activities and an understanding of regional, national, and international issues. Examples may include volunteering in their local community, organizing a fund-raising event for their community or writing an article that demonstrates broad knowledge of the complexities of public education.

Criteria updated to align with the NSPRA School Communicator of the Year requirements.

Past Communicator of the Year Award Winners

  • Jarrett Peterson, Ankeny Schools
  • Beth Strike, Central Rivers AEA
  • Phil Roeder, Des Moines Public Schools
  • Jennifer Woodley, Great Prairie AEA
  • Andrew Potter, Marshalltown Schools
  • Diane Ostrowski, Council Bluffs Schools
  • Colleen Scholer, Cedar Rapids Schools
  • Deron Stender, Creston Schools (2024)


Contact ISPRA Awards Co-Chairs Jen Woodley at or Kayla Choate at