The Iowa School Public Relations Association, ISPRA, is an organization of public relations professionals and others interested in fostering understanding and support for education. ISPRA members meet several times a year for professional development, chapter business and to exchange ideas and experiences. Membership is open to public relations professionals from both public and private schools, administrators, school staff with public relations responsibilities, and students interested in the field of school PR.

Why become a member?

  • Network with school public relations peers
  • Exchange ideas with leaders in school PR
  • Discover new ways to handle communication challenges
  • Access members-only discounts when registering for ISPRA learning opportunities, events and conferences
  • Get recognized for PR efforts through the annual spring communications contest
  • Ask questions, get feedback and problem solve with fellow experts in the field through the ISPRA email list serve
  • Access members-only resources, including sample communication plans, crisis letters and more
  • Mentoring opportunities available from experienced school PR practitioners

Joining ISPRA

  • Membership is $50 per year ($15 per year for students)
  • Membership lasts from July 1 through June 30

To become an ISPRA member, complete the online membership form. An ISPRA board member will be in contact with you soon.

Online Membership Form

For more information contact ISPRA Membership Chair Jessica Hartgers at or call 515-967-7819.